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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All These Groceries For $72?

Ha, I don't think so! I cannot believe that even after the sale prices everything in this picture would have cost me $72.00 at Super Store. Me being the coupon lady that I am managed to whittle down this grocery bill down to $32.87 including tax.
Here's what I bought:
4 Boxes of Special K cereal (these also have a free product coupon on them) -$2 coupons
3 Boxes of Triscuits
1 Container of Tahineh
4 Boxes of Special K bars - $1 wub 2 in store coupons + $1 wub 2 manufacturer coupons***
6 Busy Bone -$3 coupons
4 Diet Dr Pepper -$1 wub 4 in store coupon + $2 wub 4 manufacturer coupons***
3 Uncle Ben's Express -$1 manufacturer coupons
1 Trial box of tampons -$1 coupon
4 Philly dips -$1 coupons

***Super Store allows you to combine an in store coupon with a manufacturer coupon

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